For the Good of Missoula Forever! Working at the intersection of donor passions and community needs the Missoula Community Foundation is the community resource for donors, nonprofits, and professional advisors. For more information about our services, funds or programs visit our website
Thank you for your interest in the LoLA fund! We know how time consuming it can be to fill out lengthy and overly complicated applications. We hope you will find that we've kept this one short and sweet, while giving you enough space to walk us through your proposed project. Thanks for applying. We can't wait to learn more about the creative work you want to do in Missoula.
Application submission is open from August 15 through September 30, 2024. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application before the end of October.
Application will be evaluated on the following:
- the capacity for positive impact on individuals and the greater community,
- the strength of the plan to deliver on the project including ready access to a defined audience
- a well-defined project proposal that gives the committee confidence about what you hope to accomplish
- a plan to share the work with the larger community to both highlight the work and create ongoing public support for the work
- and the promotion of artistic expression as a means of healing that will have a ripple effect beyond the individuals involved.
- The LoLA committee awards grants totaling up to 25% of our total fund each year. We currently do not have an award floor or ceiling. For the 2024 application round, we anticipate funding 2-3 projects using a total of $8,000 in available LoLA funds. If you received a LoLA grant last year, you may not apply this year but you are welcome to apply again after ONE grant cycle has passed. You can view past award recipients here. We look forward to raising our granting capacity as we grow our fund.
Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Women's Giving Circle of Missoula County Steering Committee. The Women’s Giving Circle of Missoula County empowers women and non-binary individuals to be leaders in philanthropy and inspires collaborative giving to create positive change in our community. Every member, whether they give $10 per month or $1,000, has the opportunity to learn about community needs, hear how nonprofit organizations address those needs, and make decisions on how to give collective funds for maximum community impact. Our voices, too often muted in traditional philanthropy, are amplified by working together, so we can invest collective dollars for change.
A program of the Missoula Community Foundation, we collectively pool the resources of our members to leverage their modest gifts into $10,000 grants for worthy local nonprofit organizations. The Circle is an evolving organization with ongoing recruitment events and efforts.
Steering Committee members express their interests in whichever ways are most effective for them. This can be by designing processes and policies, working to expand membership, contributing to our social media and online presence, and generally acting as a leader for the Circle. Committee members guide the work of the Circle through the annual grant cycles and choose the best applications to present to the Circle members. In these challenging times, the Circle is working hard to address serious needs of our community. We hope you'll join us!
Please complete this application form in order to be considered for the steering committee.
Steering Committee Description
- Application: Members at all giving levels are eligible to serve on the Steering Committee.
- Size: 11 - 13 Giving Circle members plus ex-officio representatives from Missoula Community Foundation (Executive Director or designee and MCF Program Manager). MCF Executive Director and Program Manager cannot vote in committee meetings but may vote as part of grant cycles as long as their membership is in good standing.
- Quorum: Defined as half of the committee members plus one for the majority. Quorum is based on committee membership for any given year.
- Terms of Service: The term year is January 15 – December 31. Members serve three-year terms depending on openings to ensure that the Committee which ensures continuity on the committee. Members are expected to contribute to the work of the Committee, attend meetings, and conform to standard codes of conduct including courtesy, responsibility, and respect. Committee members can serve 2 terms consecutively, without reapplying. After a second term is complete, committee members must take one year off before re-applying to the committee.
- Sub-committees: Each member of the Steering Committee is expected to serve on one of the sub-committees (Policies & Procedures, Events, Marketing, and Membership). These committees are where most of our work is done.
- Contributions: Steering Committee members are encouraged to contribute financially to the WGC at the highest level acceptable for their household.
Steering Committee Roles and Responsibilities
Responsibilities include (but may not be limited to) active participation in:
- Grants application process.
- Determination of grant focus and the timeline for the grant cycle.
- Evaluation of grant applications and determination of applications to be presented to the membership at large. (Depending on the number of applications, generally, the time commitment is approximately 10-15 hours for the year).
- Events for grant cycle, membership recruitment.
- Active ambassadorship for the WGC.
- Strategic planning activities.
- Steering Committee recruitment, nominations, and selection.
- Oversight of Conflict of Interest Policy compliance.
Thank you again for your interest in serving on the Women's Giving Circle of Missoula County Steering Committee. Please be assured that we are working to ensure this committee is non-partisan, diverse, and inclusive. All are welcome.